In the first three months of 2007 the Appellation of Origin Toro has supplied to its 43 registered wineries a quantity of 2.825.000 of labels to qualify the bottling of their selected wines.
Comparing with the figures of the same period in the previous year where the quantity of labels granted was 2.214.000, proportional increase results of 27,60 per cent, value stated by the Appellation as to be outstanding, consequence of a work of great merit to acknowledge to the wineries of Toro, which are applying important process to the good-quality of the “Tinta de Toro” variety, qualifying in the latest 3 harvesting, 2003-2004-2005 to a first-rate position and therefore confirming the wine of Toro as an absolute reference for the ones affectionate to quality.
Sorted by variety, highest increase resulted out of the wines classified as generic, with 543.000 bottles more and a proportional increase of 31,80%.
This category includes all wines not belonging to crianza, reserva and gran reserva, therefore not only young wines but also all wines that in their process have been depositing in oak’s barrels for several months, in many cases of which resulting as much as or more than it is established by regulations to be included in the Crianza o Reserva’s category.
With regards to the Crianza variety, increasing on sales has been of the 12,05% whereas Reserva has reached the 16,67%. As for The Gran Reserva, 4.000 bottles were commercialized in opposition to any of the previous period.“ABOUT THE LABELLING”
Once the wine has been registered, the corresponding product controls have been passed and the traceability of its origin from the vineyard confirmed, together with the winery and its harvesting standards, the monitoring of stock, the labelling standards and the product qualification standards, the winery may collect the number of back labels corresponding to the number of litres of wine qualified and belonging to an identified batch.
The back labels are always issued at the regulating Body in accord with the wine and category to which it corresponds.
Its serial numbering and number is equivalent to the identity card that each bottle has to bear on the back of the front label. This guarantees the source, origin and quality of the product for the consumer.